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Flagtail Prochilodus (Fei Feng) 飞凤 3"

RM 78.00
Flagtail Prochilodus (Fei Feng) 飞凤 3" Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Common name:Silver Prochilodus, Flagtail Prochilodus
Scientific name:Semaprochilodus taeniurus
Synonyms:Prochilodus taeniurus (not valid)
Max Size:10" (25cm) to 12" (30)cm
Origin:Amazon basin, Brazil and Colombia.
Tank setup:Large tank (4ft/120cm plus) with a few tough plants and pieces of bogwood, sandy substrate.
Compatibility:Usually peaceful, but can be territorial.
Temperature:23-26oC (73-79oF)
Water chemistry:Not critical, but does better in soft, acidic (pH 6.0-6.8) water.
Feeding:Herbivore: algae and home prepared veg: lettuce, cucumber, peas - also flake and granular/pellet foods with higher veggie content. May nibble on plants.
Breeding:Unknown in aquaria. In the wild they migrate to spawning grounds (i.e. they are Potamodromous).
Comments:This species may be confused with a very similar species, Semaprochilodus insignis, which also reaches a similar size.
  • 飞凤鱼是人们喜爱饲养的一种观赏鱼,又被称为美国旗鱼.
  • 飞凤鱼食性很杂,可喂食饲料、动物性活食和嫩叶等植物性饵料,它吃红虫长得快,而且它本身喜欢吃水面的油膜和鱼缸内的绿藻和褐藻, 可当缸里的”清洁工”.
  • 飞凤鱼的雌雄是很好区别的,从颜色就可以分辨出来。雄性的飞凤鱼颜色亮丽,而且处于发情阶段的雄飞凤鱼的体上星条纹散乱不齐。而雌性的飞凤鱼颜色会比较的暗沉,而且腹部宽大肥满。
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